O'Reilly OS X Conference Will Have Rev Session

sims sims at ezpzapps.com
Thu Sep 2 04:16:28 EDT 2004

>Just thought the list might be interested in knowing that a proposal 
>I made to the O'Reilly folks about presenting a session on our 
>favorite programming tool at their upcoming Mac OS X conference 
>(details at http://conferences.oreillynet.com/macosx2004/). My plan 
>is to include a walk-through of a representative sampling of 
>programs written in Revolution as 1/3 of the presentation, so if you 
>have any ideas or suggestions, please let me know.


I've almost completed this Rev application, if it is the sort of 
thing you are looking
for then by all means use it!


I'll send you a download URL once I am finished (which should be in 
less than a week).


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