OSX GUI Manipulation?

Brian Yennie briany at qldlearning.com
Wed Sep 1 23:42:49 EDT 2004

Answer: none, as far as I know. There are utility apps but I've never 
seen it in a programming environment. As someone mentioned, you would 
probably have to write the C code yourself as an external or plug-in to 
your programming environment. RunRev won't do it, but I think you'll 
find neither do any others.

With that said, it's probably not rocket science to generate dummy 
OS-level events and send them to another app, I would suggest searching 
google groups or posting to an Apple developer list.

> I do and I mentioned it in my very first message on the subject - 
> FileMaker.
> But the nature of my questions is general - what programming 
> environment,
> if any, allows me to build applications that provide GUI manipulation 
> for
> apps that cannot be controlled by standard System Events scripting. 
> That
> is the same question I have been asking throughout this thread.
Brian Yennie
Chief Technology Officer
QLD Learning, LLC
briany at qldlearning.com

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