Rev crash w/ DB Query Builder

Mark Wieder mwieder at
Wed Sep 1 20:33:25 EDT 2004


Wednesday, September 1, 2004, 3:29:30 PM, you wrote:

MT> Whenever you get a crash, that is a bug that really needs to
MT> Bugzillaed.  Crashing is an issue with the engine and not with your
MT> code in any way.  Reporting crashes for any reason there is the only
MT> way we are going to get Rev to be super stable in all conditions.

Nay, not so. I have a BZ entry which pops up erratically for me and
causes irrecoverable data loss. Since no one else has come up on this
one or been able to reproduce it, I have to conclude that my 2.2.1
installation has somehow gotten corrupted and it probably isn't an
engine bug after all. The BZ entry is there just for the record now,
but its existence isn't going to make the engine any more stable.

I *do* agree that there are many discussions on this list that should
make into Bugzilla and never do, but it never hurts to get a sanity
check before adding yet another entry to the bug list.

-Mark Wieder
 mwieder at

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