wait with messages revisited.

K nnoydb at excite.com
Thu Oct 28 10:36:03 EDT 2004

Okay, some time ago everyone assisted me with understanding how "wait with messages" functions.  I am still a bit confused. 

In my testing I found the following.

Example code:

[Button A]
global evtA 

on mouseUp
  put "Waiting on event (A)" & cr into field edtStatus
  wait until evtA with messages
  put "Event (A) signaled" & cr into field edtStatus
end mouseUp

[Button B]

global evtB

on mouseUp
  put "Waiting on event (B)" & cr into field edtStatus
  wait until evtB with messages
  put "Event (B) signaled" & cr into field edtStatus
end mouseUp

[Button Clear]

global evtA
global evtB

on mouseUp
  put false into evtA
  put false into evtB
end mouseUp

[Button SignalA]

global evtA

on mouseUp 
  put true into evtA
end mouseUp

[Button SignalB]

global evtB

on mouseUp
  put true into evtB
end mouseUp

Click Clear     Output: Nothing 
Click A         Output: Waiting on event (A)
Click B         Output: Waiting on event (B)
Click SignalA   Output: Nothing
Click SignalB   Output: Waiting on event (A)
                Output: Waiting on event (B)

This means that each wait is dependent on the previous A cannot be signaled until B completes.  Is this the intended result?

NOTE: I am using Revolution 2.2.1 on OS X since 2.5 delete my objects without warning.



Any resemblance between the above views and those of my
employer, my terminal, or the view out my window are purely
Any resemblance between the above and my own views is non-deterministic.

 The question of the existence of views in the absence of anyone to hold
is left as an exercise for the reader. The question of the existence of
the reader
 is left as an exercise for the second god coefficient. 
(A discussion of non-orthogonal, non-integral polytheism is beyond the
scope of this article.)

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