Using QT player for animation in background

Christian Langers christian.langers at
Sat Oct 23 14:06:56 EDT 2004

Bon jour Christian,

> Hallo,
> I have a menu where the user selects buttons to continue ;
> I've tried to set a player as background animation ; the player's
> layer is 1
> and should stay 1 when playing the movie in the background.
> When you are in the dev mode the movie is played as expected (in the
> background and the button objects are laid over the player) but in the
> browse mode the movie comes to the foreground and the buttons are
> hidden...
> What am I doing wrong ?

Nothing actually...

> Could anybody help ?

To be able to "overlay" controls on a quicktime player you will have to
set its "alwaysbuffer" to true!

But then the playback is ehmm.. extremely jerky...
To put it straight: You can't do that! Sorry :-(

I am no techie, but i think QT "claims" that part of the screen where
the video is playing* and nothing else can "bother" it...
* and does refresh that part on its own!

> Thanks,
> Christian L.

Best from germany

Klaus Major
klaus at

Hallo Klaus,

Ich danke dir für deine schnelle Antwort.
Salut à toi,

Christian L.
>From Luxembourg (small neighbor of Germany) ;-)

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