use-revolution Digest, Vol 13, Issue 38

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Mon Oct 18 14:23:17 EDT 2004

Judy Perry wrote:

 > On Sun, 17 Oct 2004, Troy Rollins wrote:
 >>Yeah, you're pretty much spot-on, as usual. Director and Flash are both
 >>aimed at this sort of thing. Flash in a slightly less powerful, but
 >>still effective way... and well, managing media is Director's
 >>bailiwick, after all.
 > So, then it's not that it's IMPOSSIBLE as we've previously been led to
 > believe but rather that it's not a priority?

I think GarageBand (and dozens of other similar specialized packages) 
shows that tightly synchronized sound is not impossible.  In not sure 
where the notion of "impossible" started in this thread.

The question for RunRev is how important is it to provide the tools for 
making a GarageBand while we still have annoyances like unusual 
selection handle behaviors for line objects or the inability to reliably 
use "answer file" on OS X (not to mention that GarageBand already exists 
and is very well done).

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
  Ambassador at

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