RTF text

Bruce Lewis lewisbruce at rogers.com
Sat Oct 9 16:20:19 EDT 2004

First problem:

Bullets, curly quotes, etc.

MS Word saves an RTF file and reopens it with these characters displaying

set the rtfText of a rev field to the file and these items are lost. No
space where they were.

Type these into a rev field and put the rtfText of the field into the file.

Rev later re-opens the file perfectly.

Word now opens the file as RTF but displays other odd characters instead of
the bullets and curly quotes.

Why is this? No mention of it in the documentation.

(I can work around it as I did in the early days of HyperCard by
manipulating the RTF file before putting it in the field and before
exporting it, but that is something to avoid.)

Second problem:

When the file is put in the rev field,  the whole document may be in a
different font and size than the Word file.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.



Bruce Lewis
Lewis & Collyer
160 John Street, Suite 401
Toronto, Ontario
Canada  M5V 2E5
(416) 598-4357
FAX (416) 598-1067
bruce at lewiscoll.com
nancy at lewiscoll.com
sandy at lewiscoll.com
joan at lewiscoll.com
eva at lewiscoll.com

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