RunRev to create email kiosk under MacOSX

Jim Witte jswitte at
Wed Oct 6 13:26:21 EDT 2004


  I want to create an email kiosk application for my grandmother (yes, 
one shot in a million, but it won't cost me anything other than 
programming time..), using a combination of RunRev, shell scripting, 
and maybe a little Cocoa to do things like disable force quit.   Is 
this a good idea (to do it in RunRev), considering that this *has* to 
be rock-solid (I'm planning a scheduled reboot about once every 4 days, 
the rest of the time time machine just waking up and going back to 
sleep), or should I just consider something like Cocoa or Applescript 

Jim Witte
jswitte at
Indiana University CS

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