Comparing Rev to other multimedia apps at NECC

Frank D. Engel, Jr. fde101 at
Tue Oct 5 15:29:42 EDT 2004

Okay, so here we have a file with the names of our students and the 
scores that they received on various tests they have taken.  Between 
the name of the student and the list of grades there is a comma, and 
between the grades for the various tests we have a space.  This gives 
us a list that looks like this:

Joe,100 98 69 87
Steve,90 80 86 72
Nancy,80 90 85 95

We want to find the sum of the grades that all of the students received 
on the first test (e.g. 100+90+80).

(I think you can fill it in from here...)

On Oct 5, 2004, at 3:21 PM, Judy Perry wrote:

> Yeah, but it sounds a little geeky for the edu crowd...
> Judy
> On Tue, 5 Oct 2004, Rob Cozens wrote:
>> Note this can be posed as a "real-world" problem:
>> "The objective of this exercise is to calculate the total of a
>> specific sub-field in a file of comma-delimited text records.
>> Fields are separated by commas and sub fields are separated by spaces.
>> The exercise is to write a script to return the total of sub-field 1
>> of field 2 for all records in the file."
>> --
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Frank D. Engel, Jr.  <fde101 at>

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