can't create standalone

Joseph Dien jdien at
Mon Oct 4 21:36:41 EDT 2004

I made a modest 51kB stack using Revolution 2.5 under Windows XP SP2.   
It seems to run fine but I can't create a standalone.  According to the  
documentation, I'm supposed to go to the File menu and use a Save As  
Standalone command.  I can find no such option either in the File Menu  
or as an option for the Save As command (which just saves stacks in the  
normal form).  Am I missing something or is something buggy here?




Joseph Dien
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Department of Psychology
419 Fraser Hall
1415 Jayhawk Blvd
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS 66045-7556
E-mail: jdien at
Office: 785-864-9822
Fax: 785-864-5696

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