libURL -- FTP over SSH

Sannyasin Sivakatirswami katir at
Mon Oct 4 08:55:25 EDT 2004

How would one implement this in a revolution script?


On Oct 4, 2004, at 2:35 AM, K wrote:

> May I suggest in using the -R -L options for ssh it creates a static  
> loop back port for doing such things.  For example I use it to login  
> and encrypt all my VNC traffic sice vnc is not very secure.  There is  
> a document on the vnc web site using ssh with vnc you should probally  
> consult.
> Kevin
> -==-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-
> Disclaimer:
> Any resemblance between the above views and those of my
> employer, my terminal, or the view out my window are purely
> coincidental.
> Any resemblance between the above and my own views is  
> non-deterministic.
>  The question of the existence of views in the absence of anyone to  
> hold
> them
> is left as an exercise for the reader. The question of the existence of
> the reader
>  is left as an exercise for the second god coefficient.
> (A discussion of non-orthogonal, non-integral polytheism is beyond the
> scope of this article.)
>  --- On Sun 10/03, Sannyasin Sivakatirswami < katir at > wrote:
> From: Sannyasin Sivakatirswami [mailto: katir at]
> To: use-revolution at
> Date: Sun, 3 Oct 2004 17:56:49 -1000
> Subject: Re: libURL -- FTP over SSH
> Andre: Aloha from Hawaii:<br><br>"see some code"<br><br>Not sure if   
> you meant Dave Cragg's libURL core code or my scripts... I  <br>think  
> you can hack libURL former from within the IDE itself... at least   
> <br>I could two years ago... haven't dug that deep into the IDE for a   
> <br>while. but I would be surprised if you can do the encryption thing  
> over  <br>port 22... ;-)<br><br>but, the trancript from interarchy's  
> FTP over SSH looks like any  <br>passive connection  
> would...<br><br>Below is a typical script... it uploads a set of  
> photos for a daily web  <br>page and and index file for  
> I have mode set to ACTIVE  <br>in this one. but  
> that's going to fail for sure to our new OLM   <br>server...  (really  
> fabulous managed server services there btw... I'm  <br>really happy  
> with them, support is great..)<br><br>pretty simple.. never more than  
> about 43 photos, max,  it's a small  <br>daily upload, but I still get  
> errors, typically I'll see the last 150  <br>entry in t
>  he log:<br><br>150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for   
> <br>/export/vhost/org/g/gurudeva/www/public_html/01-guestsVisiting-10  
> <br>-1.jpg.<br><br>then... hangs.. and then "Error: Socket time out"  
> from libURL...<br><br>I'd would rather not try to set up the server to  
> do the  
> job...<br><br>Thanks<br>Sivakatirswami<br><br>===========<br><br>global 
>  tUrlStem, tFiles, tSourcePath,tMonth,tYear,tDateString,   
> <br>gArchiveFolder<br><br>on mouseUp<br>    if gArchivefolder is empty  
> then<br>     answer folder "Choose your TAKA archive folder"<br>      
> if it is empty then exit mouseup<br>     put it & "/" into  
> gArchiveFolder<br>   end if<br><br><br>   setDateItems<br>   ##  
> returns the date String e.g. "December_09_2002"<br><br>   ### set log  
> in variables<br>   put "" into tHost<br>   put  
> "USER" into tUser<br>   put "PASSWORD" into tPass<br>   ## create a  
> path string for the new directory for today<br><br>   put  
> "/gig/htoday/public_html/today/Archives/Past/" into tPath
>  <br>   put tPath & tYear &"/" & tMonth& "/"  & tDateString &"/" into  
> tFolder<br><br>   ######## send the files<br><br>   ## get a local  
> file list with paths<br>   if gArchivefolder is  empty then<br>      
> answer folder "Find directory for upload to San Diego"<br>     if it  
> is not empty then<br>       put it into gArchivefolder<br>      
> else<br>       exit mouseUp<br>     end if<br>   end if<br><br>        
> put gArchiveFolder into tSourcePath<br>       set the directory to  
> tSourcePath<br>       put the files into tFiles<br><br># skip dot  
> files...<br>       if char 1 of line 1 of tFiles ="." then delete line  
> 1 of tFiles<br><br>## skip temp file...<br>       delete line  
> (lineoffset ("nakshatra",tFiles)) of tFiles<br><br>     put  
> "ftp://user:password@" & tHost & tFolder into tUrlStem<br>       put  
> the long id of field "ftp log" into tField<br>       libUrlSetLogField  
> tField<br>         LibUrlSetFTPMode "Active"<br><br>       set the  
> socketTimeoutInterval  to 20000<br>       uploadNe
>  xt<br><br>end MouseUp<br><br>on uploadNext<br>   if line 1 of tFiles  
> is not empty then<br>     put tUrlStem & (line 1 of tFiles) into  
> tUrl<br>     put tSourcePath &  (line 1 of tFiles) into tFilePath<br>   
>     put "loading... " & tURL & tFilePath into fld "Watch"<br>      
> libUrlFtpUploadFile tFilePath, tUrl, "loadDone"<br>   else<br>       
> put  "Upload Complete!"  into fld "watch"<br>     wait 20 ticks<br>##  
> does the same thing to a different server in Honolulu:<br>     send  
> mouseup to btn "FTP to Mahiai"<br>   end if<br>end  
> uploadNext<br><br>on loadDone pUrl, pStatus<br>   if pStatus is not  
> "uploaded" then<br>     get libUrlErrorData (pUrl)<br>     answer   
> it<br>     put line 1 of tFiles & cr & it & cr & "--------" & cr into  
> tFailures<br>     delete line 1 of tFiles<br>     put "Did not  
> upload:" & cr & tFailures<br>     unload url pUrl<br>   else<br>      
> put (pUrl & " was uploaded successfully.") into fld "watch"<br>      
> unload url pUrl<br>     delete line 1 of tFiles<br>
>      wait 30 ticks<br><br>      uploadNext<br>   end if<br><br>end  
> loadDone<br><br><br>On Oct 3, 2004, at 5:00 PM, Andre Garzia  
> wrote:<br><b
>  r>><br>> Oh boy.... I don't know if it can be done easily, if you  
> need I can  <br>> send you my FTPd code, the FTP  Server side is  
> almost implemented,  <br>> there need to fix CWD and to implement  
> STOR, but it might help to see  <br>> some libURL code that tries to  
> ftp things.<br>><br>> Also, what about doing the other way, set up the  
> ftp server on your  <br>> side and allow them to connect?<br>><br>>  
> cheers<br>> andre<br>><br>><br>><br>> On Oct 3, 2004, at 11:44 PM,  
> Sannyasin Sivakatirswami wrote:<br>><br>>> Can libURL do FTP over  
> SSH?<br>>><br>>>  ... where the control connection is encrypted on  
> port 22, but the  <br>>> data connection is unencrypted and  a new  
> random port issued by the  <br>>> remote server for a new connection  
> to open  a per file basis,... i.e.  <br>>> appears to handshake like  
> PASSIVE mode...<br>>><br>>> I had a terrible time with regular FTP to  
> our new dedicated server at  <br>>> the OLM Data center in  
> Connecticutt. They turned off ACTIVE for the  <br>
>>> whole center because of attacks, but regular  FTP on port 21/PASSIVE  
>>>  <br>>> kept failing... the old problem of two firewalls unable to  
>>> sort it  <br>>> out... I couldn't get a pipe to stand up for more  
>>> then 10 files... 2  <br>>> minutes...<br>>><br>>> When I switched to  
>>> SSH over FTP... it was solid as a rock -- in fact  <br>>> I've been  
>>> uploading data now for 21 hours with Interarchy, from  <br>>> Hawaii  
>>> to Connecticutt.. and there hasn't been a single broken pipe  <br>>>  
>>> in all that time... 22,000 files-3 gigs of data uploaded and 2.5  
>>> gigs  <br>>> more to go...<br>>><br>>> Anyway I need to point all my  
>>> Rev web generator scripts to the new  <br>>> server and hope that  
>>> libURL will be able to do as good a job as  <br>>> interArchy,  
>>> ideally it could do FTP over SSH but don't see any SSH  <br>>> entry  
>>> in the docs. If not, I may be forced to resort to issuing  <br>>>  
>>> applescripts  commands to tell interarchy to do the job... not a   
>>> <br>>> pleasant prospect, when single line co
>  mmands are there in Rev.<br>>><br>>> Sannyasin Sivakatirswami<br>>>  
> Himalayan Academy Publications<br>>> at Kauai's Hindu Monastery<br>>>  
> katir at<br>>><br>>>,<br>>>  
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> mailing list<br>>> use-revolution at<br>>>  
> revolution<br>>><br>>><br>> -- <br>> Andre Alves Garzia ð 2004 ð  
> BRAZIL<br>><br>><br>>  
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