barcode scanner

Ray Bennett rbennett at
Mon Nov 29 01:04:09 EST 2004

hi kee
I  sent this yesterday but it looks like messages from my handheld don't get thru the list filters.

Most barcode scanners can be configured to send a 'preamble' at the beginning of the data they transmit.  This is a useful way to handlle things and is  how I do it in my barcode app.  This allows you to set focus based on what's coming in.
Ray Bennett
..:From my Treo 600:..

---- Original Message ----
From: "kee nethery" <kee at>
Date: 11/27/04 1:24 pm
To: "How to use Revolution" <use-revolution at>
Subj: Re: barcode scanner

On Nov 27, 2004, at 10:04 AM, Michael D Mays wrote:

> The problem, I envision, is  when you integrate a keyboard with the 
> scanner.
> How can you differentiate between keyboard input and the input from 
> the scanner? Is there a way to tell whether the input is from a 
> scanner or the keyboard?

no there is no way to differentiate between a keyboard and scanner if 
the scanner is acting as a keyboard. If the scanner comes in via serial 
cable, then it is a set of data that your program needs to gather and 
deal with. In that case, the data is separate. For us, it's just a fast 
alternate keyboard that is used to enter specific information into one 
specific field. Once that information is entered, a script processes 
the bar code data and the cursor gets moved to another field where 
keyboard entries are done. Then when that set of data is saved, a new 
blank page gets created and the cursor goes into the field for the bar 
code data, and the scan process starts over.


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