Encrypt Password - Decrypt same

Steve Bonham sbonham at georgiasouthern.edu
Mon Nov 29 13:57:09 EST 2004

Hi Revolutionaries,

I'm lost regarding the encrypt and decrypt commands.

I've created a Jeopardy-like game and saved it as a stand-alone application.

When the user closes the stack their preferences (number of daily 
doubles, row values, default game file, user password, etc) are 
written to an external text file.

When the user opens the stack the last used preferences are read and 
loaded into flds or variables to re-configure the game as it was last 

AhHa! You see the problem already... Anyone can open the settings.txt 
file and see the password!

I'd like to encrypt the password on closestack and write that to the 
file. Then import and decrypt the password. But I don't understand 
the Rev documentation for encrypt & decrypt. The following makes NO 
sense to me at all...

encrypt source using cipher with [password|key] passorkey[and salt 
saltvalue] [and IV IVvalue] [at bit ]

Can someone provide some sample Transcript that will enlighten me?



Steve Bonham
Director, Faculty Technology Development Laboratory
Center for Excellence in Teaching - Georgia Southern University
Statesboro, GA 30460-8143

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