Text-field validation
Jan Schenkel
janschenkel at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 25 01:18:58 EST 2004
--- Lince m lawrence <lince.lawrence at gmail.com> wrote:
> What should I do the validate a Text-field for only
> numbers (including
> decimals)? When I used <if theKey is not a number
> then> this returns
> false for decimals. I need to turn it true.
> I am just a day old with rev (and this is my first
> step with
> programming). Please help.
> Thanks,
> Lince M Lawrence
Hi Lince,
You can find a simple but effective script in this old
post that I dug up from the archive :
However, it doesn't handle what comes into the field
through copy+paste or drag-and-drop. You should be
able to fix that with the following additional piece
of script :
local sBeforePaste
on pasteKey
put the text of me into sBeforePaste
if "checkAfterPaste" is not in the pendingMessages \
then send "checkAfterPaste" to me in 5 milliseconds
pass pasteKey
end pasteKey
on dragDrop
put the text of me into sBeforePaste
if "checkAfterPaste" is not in the pendingMessages \
then send "checkAfterPaste" to me in 5 milliseconds
pass dragDrop
end dragDrop
on checkAfterPaste
if the text of me is not a number then
put sBeforePaste into me
end if
end checkAfterPaste
You may have to tinker a few bits here and there to
make it work for you, but I hope this get you closer
to a solution.
Jan Schenkel.
"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time." (La Rochefoucauld)
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