Network Byte Order and Sockets

Derek Bump webmaster at
Tue Nov 23 18:56:56 EST 2004

Anyone know how to encode data into the "Network Byte Order"?

I am trying to use sockets within Revolution 2.5 to connect to my Hotline Server using the Hotline Protocol.  The Hotline Protocol documentation states that the following needs to be sent to the Hotline Server...

Description       Size   Data   Note
Protocol ID       4      TRTP   0x54525450
Sub-protocol ID   4             User defined
Version           2      1      Currently 1
Sub-version       2             User defined

And the server is responce will return...

Description       Size   Data   Note
Protocol ID       4      TRTP   
Error Code        4             0=No Error

So with this information I wrote the following...

on mouseUp
    put fld "serverIP" into sockName
    open socket to sockName
    write "TRTPTEST0100" to socket sockName
    appLog (the result)
    read from socket sockName for 50
    appLog (it)
    close socket sockName
end mouseUp

on appLog theData
    put theData &return after fld "theResult"
end appLog

Unfortunatly after all that, the only thing that is returned is...nothing.  And my Hotline Server Log says "Killed Unknown Protocol!"

Anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?


Derek Bump
Dreamscape Software
Compress Images Easily with JPEGCompress

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