strange things going on on windows

Klaus Major klaus at
Mon Nov 22 12:08:15 EST 2004

Bonjour Thierry,

> Hi,
> KM> Hi friends,
> KM> i need a little help...
> You ?  :-)

Well, i am omniscent, but not impaccable :-D

> KM> I am currently preparing my memory game from my ERC presentation to
> KM> put it on REV online, but strange things are happening on windows, 
> no
> KM> problems on the mac, of course :-)
> Amazing, isn't it ?
> Mac developpers had problems to make it work on Windows;
> and Windows developpers had problems to make it work on Mac...
> KM> I have a group of btns and the group has the script:
> if your stack is not too big, ( low Bandwidth connection )
> please send it to me. i will be delighted to help you.

About 100 KB, OK?

> PS:
> on mouseup
>     set the hilite of the target to true
>     hasbeenclicked (the number of the target)
>    ## will prevent that more than 2 buttons can be clicked...
>    ## and will check the hiliteicons remove the buttons or set the 
> icons
> back after 1 second...
> end mouseup
> i'm a bit surprised that you check *After* setting the hilite ????

As i said, it is a memory game and that is the nature of this game...
Turn the tile and THEN see if the images match ;-)

> Best regards,  thierry


Klaus Major
klaus at

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