Arrays of field controls

MisterX b.xavier at
Sat Nov 20 10:10:07 EST 2004

just name your fields as


then in your loop

repeat with x = 1 to azillion
  put field ("data"&x) into array[x] 
end repeat

if your fields are already alligned like having a field 1, field 2, etc..
you dont even need to name them!
put fld x into array[x]


> -----Original Message-----
> From: use-revolution-bounces at 
> [mailto:use-revolution-bounces at] On Behalf Of 
> gwalias-rev at
> Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2004 15:53
> To: Revolution Mailing List
> Subject: Arrays of field controls
> Dear Revolutionaries
> Is there some way to refer to a group of controls as if they 
> were in an array. Here's what I want to do ...
> I have several text fields for a user to enter information 
> and once they click "Accept", I want to store them in a 
> single array variable. I would like to be able to just 
> iterate over the list of text fields and store each entry in 
> the array, instead of having to go throughand explicitly 
> reference each text field.
> That way, I can always add or remove fields without breaking 
> the logic, or use the same approach in other parts of my 
> program for different data.
> I apologise if this is an obvious question, I am still 
> evaluating Revolution for the 30 days.
> Best
> Gordon
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