Technical strike & bug 2341
Heather Nagey
heather at
Fri Nov 19 12:59:31 EST 2004
> I thought bugzilla automatically informed the person to which a bug was
> assigned? Or should we still eMail support, because I for one have a
> number of outstanding Bugzilla reports which have still been marked
> "Unconfirmed" for some time with little or no real reply (2223, 2244,
> 2247, 2300, 2301, ...) - one or two of these reports are quite
> trivial, and some are basically "nuisances", while others (like 2308)
> are real show-stoppers for me.
I'm sorry if I created any confusion in your mind. The point I should make
clear is that Bugzilla is Bugzilla, and support is support. They serve two
different functions. If you have a bug, or a feature request, anything that
will clearly require changes to Revolution itself, then Bugzilla is the
place for you. Head right on over and submit your request, in the safe and
secure knowledge that one of our engineers will see it, and take the best
and most appropriate action we can, as soon as we can. (This may not always
be an instant fix alas, since we ran out of magic wands a long long time
ago, but we most certainly read all reports and prioritize them as best we
can). There is no need to duplicate this sort of issue to support, unless
its a real red hot flag and you feel we should know about it immediately and
raise heaven and earth to fix it. In this situation *sometimes an email to
support can help things along. At the very least we can offer you tea and
If you have an issue that you think is solvable without resorting to engine
changes, then drop a line to support. If its a scripting issue, we may ask
you to purchase a support contract. If its an "up and running" type issue,
or a known problem to which there is a workaround, we'll help you out. If
you want to know where to find answers, we'll tell you. If it's a licensing
problem, we'll solve it. support at is your friend. We are there to
help. We LIKE helping. If we don't know the answer, we'll find someone who
Under what conditions should you address an email to a specific person? If
you have a support contract, and have been assigned a specific person as
your contact, then use that email. If you have a management issue, something
clearly outside the remit of support, it *may be appropriate to address it
personally. Please bear in mind our limited resources. If you send an issue
to the CEO, then he will be taking time from something else to respond to
it. Since we are a small company, it is vital that we use our resources as
efficiently as possible, and in particular the time of our personnel is
priced above rubies...
I hope this helps.
You guys are a great bunch, invaluable to us and to the Revolution
community. Part of being such a diversity of people is that from time to
time disagreements and misunderstandings will arise, but we can all move on
now I hope, and continue with the cause of promoting knowledge and assisting
each other,
Warm regards,
** For a faster response to all licensing, support, and technical issues,
please now send mail to support at **
Heather Nagey ~ heather at ~
Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools
Tel +44 (0) 870 747 1165 Fax +44 (0) 845 4588487
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