Tab buttons sometimes require two clicks

Robert Brenstein rjb at
Thu Nov 18 11:29:19 EST 2004

>On Nov 18, 2004, at 12:10 AM, thierry wrote:
>>TD> It seems that sometimes after selecting a tab on a tab button that it
>>TD> requires two clicks in order to select another tab.
>>TD> Anybody else seen this?  Any ideas on what is going on?
>>have you tried to catch the mousedoubledown or Up and to
>>play with the The doubleClickInterval and doubleClickDelta properties ?
>The mouseUp message is sent without any problems, it's just that the 
>tab isn't selected.  I haven't tested mouseDoubleDown since I am not 
>trying to double-click.  I have been testing with two distinct 
>clicks rather than a double-click.
>Trevor DeVore
>Blue Mango Multimedia
>trevor at

Is it possible that you are switching cards when clicking tabs?


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