Hershel Fisch
hershrev at
Tue Nov 16 15:04:24 EST 2004
or add "focus on me" in the btn srcipt.
On Tuesday, November 16, 2004, at 02:33 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
> On 11/16/04 10:58 AM, Mark Wieder wrote:
>> All-
>> I'm trying to see when a field's contents have changed by using a
>> closeField handler, but the message never seems to be issued. Any idea
>> why this might be? I know there's a note about the MacOS platform and
>> buttons in the documentation, but this situation a) occurs on Windows,
>> OS9, and OSX (haven't fired up the linux box for this yet); and b) is
>> the same if I switch to a different field.
>> Alternately, is there a better way to see if a field's contents have
>> changed? I've currently switched to checking for rawKeyUp and setting
>> a semaphore, but it's ugly and results in false positives if someone
>> merely clicks in the field without changing anything.
> There's this little glitch that has bitten me more than once: the
> closefield message isn't always sent if you remove focus from a field
> by clicking a button. To get the closefield message, you have to click
> on the card to remove the focus first, then click the button.
> I had to script a line in my buttons to send an artificial closefield
> message to the field. This wouldn't work for you if you really need
> closefield to only trigger when a field has changed.
> I think if you set the autohilite of all buttons to false, you'll get
> the normal messaging behavior; it is only when autohilite is true that
> the button ignores a change in focus and the field messages aren't
> sent.
> --
> Jacqueline Landman Gay | jacque at
> HyperActive Software |
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