Quictime Controller Scripts Failing on Windows

Siivakatirswami katir at hindu.org
Fri Nov 12 16:41:44 EST 2004

OK, I got it to work:

1) Installing the latest version of QT on the windows machine

2) Setting the player to "always buffer" and

3) not issuing any

get currentTime


get timeScale

calls until *after* the player has started

(actually I have given a 15 second delay issuing any command to query 
the play for these properties, because in the past, I found that to 
query then immediately after starting a play in Windows also would 
break... perhaps that has changed)

and now things seem to work fine.


On Nov 12, 2004,

at 11:26 AM, Sannyasin Sivakatirswami wrote:

> Scott, Thanks for the recommendation.
> I seemed to get better results at first.  in the application already 
> has applied a path to the player and the my application was open in 
> the background... I downloaded the latest QT 6.5.2 for windows, 
> installed and was getting better results: setting the currently time 
> propertly was not stopping the player.  But i had a couple of other 
> scripting issues so I went back to my Mac, fixed a few things, cleared 
> all fields, including the path to the mp3 file for the player and then 
> saved, zipped, went to the PC downloaded the new version of my app.
> OK now... the field I have that shows the path the the file that is 
> set to the player is empty and I click my button that says "Select an 
> Audio file to Play" which has this script:
> global theTape
> on mouseUp
>   put empty into fld "theTotalTime"
>   answer file "Locate the sound file you want to transcribe."&\
>       "(Must be playable by QuickTime)"  with "OK"
>       if it is empty then exit mouseUp
>   put it into theTape
>   put theTape into fld "soundfile"
>   set the filename of player "theTape" to theTape
>   answer "Are you finished with the last one? If so, shall I clear the 
> header info?" with "No" or "Yes"
>   if it is "Yes" then
>   clearHeader
>   end if
>   send postTime to this stack in 10 seconds
> end mouseUp
> New problem: Now, this works fine on the Mac but on the PC, the 
> controller appears (finally!) but it is "quivering" blinking rapidly 
> in the background and my dialog box to query the user about clearing 
> the header fields for the previous transcription opens up and is 
> frozen... the OK and "NO" buttons are there, but if I click them, 
> nothing happens, the app is frozen.
> OK, so now: one question:
> --If a player is set to an MP3 on windows and QT is not installed, 
> does some other Windows app try to play it? I thought Rev *only* 
> played media with QT on all platforms, no matter what.
> OK, now back to finding out what is causing the app to hang... I 
> suspect it goes back to an old problem: Rev or QT on Windows cannot 
> read the current time or timescale of a player that has not been 
> started, but on the Mac, it can... so my "postTime" is causing the app 
> to hang because I haven't started the player yet.... whew!
> <OT-frustrated rant>How in the world MS ever convinced people to use 
> windows and why more people aren't using Mac, is a total mystery... I 
> guess it's just a pricing matter. we have been running 20 macs here 
> for nearly 20 years ever since the first apple II come out, the amount 
> of down time and wasted time caused by the platform is miniscule, but 
> the moment we touch a windows machine... hours of productive time 
> start to drain out the back door. </OT-frustrated rant> ;-)
> On Nov 11, 2004, at 8:05 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:
>> This really sounds to me like like QuickTime is either missing from,
>> disabled or broken on your Win2K system.  Perhaps a reinstall is in 
>> order to
>> sure.
>> Regards,
>> Scott Rossi
>> Creative Director
>> Tactile Media, Development & Design
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