Quictime Controller Scripts Failing on Windows

Sannyasin Sivakatirswami katir at hindu.org
Thu Nov 11 23:18:12 EST 2004

Aloha, from Kauai where it has finally stopped raining after three 

I'm having trouble on Windows with a simple transcription gadget app 
that allows you to load a sound file, start it, transcribe it... start, 
stop jump forward, resume save and then pick up at the same point etc 
tomorrow. but the stop and jump and resume scripts are failing on 
Windows 2000.

If anyone wants to help me out... windows wizards especially. You can 
find the application in question here:


and download the "AudioTranscriber.rev.zip" file.

I think though i cannot be certain, that I have narrowed it down to the 
Revolution Engine on windows not being able to ascertain the 
"currentTime" of a player.

e.g. if the audio is playing (using some kind of discourse, lecture 
etc.)  and the transcriber wants to stop and back up while the player 
is running. he hits a button that just does this:

global gTimeScale
on mouseUp
     set the currentTime of player "theTape" to fld "theMovieTime" -\
       (gTimeScale * fld "jumpSecs")
end mouseUp

On Mac OSX, this works just fine... and the player jumps back a few 
second and keeps running. There is no need to stop and start the 

Another button is named "Resume" which is intend to start exactly where 
you stopped if you stopped the player.

on mouseUp
   enable button "Back Up"
   enable button "Forward"
   if the hilite of btn "resumeBack" then send mouseup to btn "Back Up"
   if the currentTime of player "theTape" = 0 then
     send mouseUp to button "Pick up from last session"
     if the currenttime of player "theTape"  is  the duration of player 
"theTape" then
       set the currenttime of player "theTape" to 0
     end if
     start player "theTape"
   end if
end mouseUp

This works fine on the Mac... but on Windows it invariably resets the 
the player to 0

My conclusion at this point is that Revolution on Windows is unable to 
get the currentTime property of a quicktime player.

Any one know of any issues like this on windows?


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