URGENT: Windows engine?
Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
katir at hindu.org
Thu Nov 11 22:56:35 EST 2004
Mark, thanks for chiming in...
I'm really stuck: I have an app that use to work fairly well on
Windows, but now is quite broken on Windows, 2000. it is all based
around controlling quicktime playback of audio files. Quicktime
controller scripts that work fine on OSX are failing on Windows 2000,
the controller bar doesn't even appear on Windows.
I have opened, modified and saved this stack a number of times in
2.5... So I was thinking that perhaps the standalone splash engine
"players" that I had created under 2.2 which successfully drives the
app on a Mac even though the latest version was saved in 2.5, might be
failing on a Windows machine: i.e. a stack built and saved under 2.5
might not run properly under Windows engine Rev 2.2. So I take this as
the first factor to eliminate from the equation.. but it means building
a new splash engine standalong "player" from the latest 2.5 version of
I start a new thread on the specific windows issues/failing scripts.
OK, yes, I did download file "Revolution.exe" and I put this in the
but the SA setting app doesn't recognize it is there I still get "The
engine for win32 is missing, do you want to download it now?" And an
attempt to download fails. Even though a direct FTP download of the
Revolution.exe package does work.
So, I added another layer
but still get the same error message.
Can someone else using OSX, who is successfully building Windows app
help me here? What exactly are is the path/file name for the windows
engine? are there any permissions issues I need to be addressing?
On Nov 11, 2004, at 1:37 AM, Mark Schonewille wrote:
> Sannyasin,
> You can download the engines here:
> <ftp://ftp.runrev.com/pub/revolution/downloads/engines/2.5/>
> The engines in this ftp directory can be decompressed by StuffIt
> Expander 7 or later.
> The engines in my Rev folder (MacOS 9) are called: Linux, MacOSfat,
> Revolution.app and Windows.
> If you're going to build applications for MacOS 9, you need to download
> <http://downloads.runrev.com/revolution/distributions/current/
> revolution.sit>
> and pull out the engine. I believe that the correct name for the
> engine is MacOSPPC, but I might be wrong. You can also use MacOSfat,
> but the resulting application will be much bigger than a real PPC
> application.
> I am desparately waiting for the other engines to come available,
> particularly the 68K engine.
> Best regards,
> Mark
> Sannyasin Sivakatirswami wrote:
>> I found and downloaded from the run rev ftp site the windows engine.
>> which unstuffed just fine:
> <snip file list>
>> I put the "Revolution.exe" file into the
>> /component/engines/Revolution.exe
>> of my own OSX applications package, quit Rev, rebooted, but the
>> standalone setting wizard still says the window engine is missing?
>> Tks
>> On Nov 10, 2004, at 3:15 PM, Sannyasin Sivakatirswami wrote:
>>> Somewhat urgent: in the 2.5 on the MAC in Standalone settings I
>>> click on the Windows check box only to be informed that the windows
>>> engine is missing, asked if i want to download I say yes, but I get
>>> an error msg saying the file that was downloaded cannot be
>>> de-compressed and it is corrupt.
>>> ??
>>> what should I do?
> --
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