Displaying vertical text

Jim Hurley jhurley at infostations.com
Sat Nov 6 12:46:59 EST 2004

>Message: 5
>Date: Fri,  5 Nov 2004 21:03:23 +0200
>From: "aurelien at jetrealisations.fr"	<aurelien at jetrealisations.fr>
>Subject: Displaying vertical text
>To: "use-revolution" <use-revolution at lists.runrev.com>
>Message-ID: <I6PZLN$9215D6A656FF9FC97E1AA2387F059EF0 at oleane.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
>Hello everybody,
>I need to display a text verticaly, this text 
>cannot be an image as it comes from a variable. 
>there any way to rotate a field, label, ?


This may be overkill, but Turtle Graphics is one 
option. If your text variable is "tMessage" then 
in TG you would use something like:

on mouseUP
   put "This is a vertical line" into tMessage
   put the number of chars in tMessage into tNum
   put -100,100 into startHere -- Your choice
   put 12 into charSeparation -- Your choice
   setHeading -90
   setXY startHere
   repeat with i = 1 to tNum
     forward charSeparation
     label char i of tMessage
   end repeat
end mouseUP

Or, for something more interesting, to write the 
message along a semi-circular path:

on mouseUP
   put "This is a semi-circle" into tMessage
   put the number of chars in tMessage into tNum
   put 150 into R
   setHeading -90
   repeat with i = 1 to tNum
     forward pi*R/tNum -- Spaces characters evenly on the semi-circle
     left 180/tNum -- Takes a semi-circular path
     label char i of tMessage
   end repeat
end mouseUP

You can find TG on the RR web site at: 


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