Player Bug?

Troy Rollins troy at
Sat Nov 6 11:47:15 EST 2004

On Nov 6, 2004, at 1:53 AM, Scott Rossi wrote:

> I'm running into an odd player behavior where setting a player to a 
> filename
> that contains an open parenthesis "(" prevents Rev 2.5 from 
> opening/playing
> the file.  Interestingly, a close parenthesis ")" in the filename does 
> not
> cause a problem.

Hmm. Sounds like an issue which somehow relates to menus. "(" indicates 
disabled. The same thing happens there. You can have ")" with no 
problem, but if the menu text has "(" in it, it will be disabled.

I have no idea how that relates to a player's filename.

RPSystems, Ltd.

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