FTP problem to Name Based Virtual Server Web Site

Sannyasin Sivakatirswami katir at hindu.org
Mon May 31 20:04:29 EDT 2004

Aloha and Namaste , Andre and Bjornke...

First: a single slash in the path will fail because ftp to the server  
root is blocked and the double slash "pushes" the path to the virtual  
website home folder...

log field:

right, Andre... I should have thought of that:

====== script
on mouseUp
     put the long id of field "ftp log" into tField
       libUrlSetLogField tField
   put  url  
   --put url  
"user%40himalayanacademy.com:password at 555.55.55.55//var/www/html"

end mouseUp

======log results:

socket 44.555.44.44.:21|6929
220 ProFTPD FTP Server ready.

331 Password required for himalayan at himalayanacademy.com.
230 User user at himalayanacademy.com logged in.
257 "/home/himalayan" is current directory.

## ok, so this is not a user:password issue... they are OK...we are in

200 Type set to I.
550 /home/himalayan//var/www/html: No such file or directory

#Ahha, gotcha... it is a path problem...

CLOSED 44.555.44.44.:21|6929

So: a path problem, but only in Revolution -- libURL,

since this is a virtual site on our server... In my FTP client  
(interarchy) I can use either

user%40himalayanacademy.com:password at 555.55.55.55//home/himalayan/ 

# where "mainwebsite_html" is a symLink to the "real" html directory...  
which is in the URL2 below:


user%40himalayanacademy.com:password at 555.55.55.55//var/www/html

and they BOTH work in the FTP client... but in Revolution, the first  
one(to the symLink) gives a valid log in (showing that it is not a  
problem with the @ in the user string)

257 "/home/himalayan" is current directory.
200 Type set to I.
250 CWD command successful.
227 Entering Passive Mode (555,555,555,555,133,201).
## we are logged in, no path problem, but symlink not followed...

no listing is returned and the result is empty...

but the attempt to reach the *actual* directory, directly, as in URL2  

results in

error  550 /home/himalayan//var/www/html: No such file or directory

but, again, only in Revolution...

this is somewhat a serious/mission critical issue because I have a  
dozen or more production apps in use every day for auto web page  
generation that must be able to talk to the new server via FTP calls  
before we switch DNS from the old sites in Honolulu to the new ones at  
the IP of our new box in Connecticut.


Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
Himalayan Academy Publications
at Kauai's Hindu Monastery
katir at hindu.org


On May 31, 2004, at 12:09 PM, Andre Garzia wrote:

> Sannyasin,
> Can you paste a log field here... use the set log field function of  
> libURL, fetch it's data and glue here, it might give us a hint where  
> everything is going wrong. We must know if the problem is on user  
> login, in folder switching or in the ftp url string itself...
> We'll solve this and better our karma!!! :D
> Cheers
> Andre
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