how to set font of ask/answer dialogues

Wilhelm Sanke sanke at
Mon May 31 08:15:46 EDT 2004

On Sat, 29 May 2004, Chipp Walters <chipp at> wrote:

> Thanks Wilhelm for this. I'm looking forward to DL'ing your ask/answer
> stacks
> -Chipp

Hi Chipp,

although it is possible to modify the existing answer and ask dialogs - 
which some of us have done - I think what Nicolas Cueto may need (" for 
my Japanese-speaking users") is a custom dialog, built from scratch and 
adapted exactly to his needs (size, shape, fonts, number of buttons etc.).
Normally, I use the predefined Metacard or Rev dialogs as interim 
solutions during the developmental stage of a stack. For a finished 
application I usually put together my own dialogs.

The Revolution documentation stack "How to.." contains the information

"You can also create a custom dialog box containing any objects you want 
to include.
To create a custom dialog box, create a stack with the controls you want 
(including at least one button with  mouseUp  handler that closes the 
stack. Then use the  modal  command to display the stack as a dialog box.)"

There is more information elsewhere in the documentation (e.g. entry 
"dialogdata" in the Transcript Dictionary) but these informations are 
surely not sufficient to start with. What should be addressed more 
precisely is how exactly to pass the input data or which button was 
pressed from the modal stack to the calling handler - using the 
"dialogdata" property or custom properties.

Dave Calkins <davecalk at> had complained in April about the 
need for sample stacks for basic Revolution features that should be 
accompanied by tutorials - which reminds me of your video tutorials for 
the Geometry Manager or the illustrated PDF-files we use here in some cases.

I had answered Dave Calkins on April 6:

"What you probably have in mind are sample stacks and tutorials from 
category two. As complements of the documentation they would indeed be 
helpful and they may be urgently needed by persons learning on their 
own. The task remains to determine which "basics" really need to be 
covered and how and by whom they could be collected or produced. I 
think, as a first basic collection we need about 30 sample stacks?"

Maybe the topic of "sample stacks" could be added to the agenda of the 
Monterey and Malta conferences?


Wilhelm Sanke

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