Undocumented Transcript & Valentina ?

Mark Brownell gizmotron at earthlink.net
Sat May 22 18:24:45 EDT 2004

On Saturday, May 22, 2004, at 01:04  PM, Jan Schenkel wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> My best guess is that the assert() function checks if
> there's an error in the result and may just throw an
> exception if that's the case.
> But I do wonder where you read it, as it's not in the
> VXCMD Reference ?
> Jan Schenkel.

What a dim-watt bulb! ... that's stupid in geekster.

I must have created hundreds of functions in the last few months. I'm 
phasing back into the O-zone again....

Here it is from the card scripts:

> function assert theLabel,theText,condition
>   if (offset("ERROR",theText) = 1) then
>     answer theLabel&":"&theText
>     exit to Hypercard
>   else
>     if (condition is not empty) then
>       put replace(condition,"[[result]]","theText") into condition
>       if (value(condition) = "TRUE") then return theText
>       else
>         answer theLabel&":"&theText&return&"Failed Assert"
>         exit to Hypercard
>       end if
>     else
>       return theText
>     end if
>   end if
> end assert

Time to put my toys back in their box and take a nap... :-)



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