Palette redraw problem

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sat May 22 14:10:02 EDT 2004

I wrote:

> By moving rather than hiding the palette, there are no recursive 
> resume/suspend messages sent, which avoids the recursive messaging 
> problems. But here is the weird part: the movestack handler you included 
> is absolutely crucial. There does not even have to be a script in it; 
> the main thing is that the movestack message is prevented from 
> traversing the hierarchy.

Well, just to clear up the record, what I wrote here is wrong. The 
movestack message isn't involved.

I was still getting every-other-time palette displays after installing 
Scott R's script. (Possibly because my editing stack is a substack of 
another one, where in his example we're working with a mainstack?) At 
any rate, adding this to the palette card script fixed it:

  on suspendstack
   send "suspendstack" to cd 1 of stack "sub"
  end suspendstack

So now it works. Or at least, I think it does. :)

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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