Palette redraw problem

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Fri May 21 23:09:06 EDT 2004

Jacque wrote:
> I have stack that opens a tool palete. I want the palette to disappear
> when the stack is not frontmost, and reappear when it is.

When faced with a mysterious issue related to OS events I've found if 
nothing else works sometimes it's useful to add a timer to allow the OS 
to complete whatever it's doing before doing your next thing.

This seems to work okay from a frontScript:

on resumeStack
   send "UpdatePal" to me in 100 millisecs
end resumeStack

on UpdatePal
   if the short name of the topStack is "sub" then
     show stack "pal"
   else hide stack "pal"
end UpdatePal

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
  Ambassador at

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