deleting lines from a text file

Dar Scott dsc at
Fri May 21 14:22:54 EDT 2004

On Friday, May 21, 2004, at 09:20 AM, rand valentine wrote:

>  Could someone else verify this, so that I know it's a bug and not bad 
> karma
> :-)? Thanks.

I see this on OS X 10.2.8 using Revolution 2.2.

The file does not seem to be modified.  I tried this with an empty file 
and a five line file made with TextEdit.  The file name from 'answer 
file' looks OK to me.

I'd say, go ahead and bugzilla it.

I think orkarounds have been suggested.  For files not too large, I'd 
read it in, delete the line and write it out.

I would not be surprised if other commands that modify containers have 
a similar problem with URL containers.  It might be that this kind of 
thing is not really supported.

Dar Scott

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