Frontscript to simulate modal dialog

Frank Leahy frank at
Fri May 21 07:04:02 EDT 2004


I tried Sarah's suggestion of creating a frontscript that would allow a 
progress dialog to act like a modal dialog does (can't bring other 
windows to the front, etc.).  Here's the script I tried:

on mouseDown
   put the rect of window "Thumbnail Progress" into theRect -- this is 
the progress dialog window
   put the screenMouseLoc into theLoc
   if theLoc is within theRect then
     pass mouseDown
   end if
end mouseDown

For some reason this doesn't seem to work.  I hear the beeps, but it 
doesn't seem to stop the mouseDown's from going to other windows, e.g. 
I can still bring other windows to the front.

Any suggestions?

-- Frank

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