answer file (multiple file selection)

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Wed May 12 09:49:09 EDT 2004

--- K <nnoydb at> wrote:
> Is there a common dialog (answer file) for
> requesting multiple files from a user?
> K

Hi Kevin,

The current answer file won't allow you to do that ;
if you can't find a bugzilla request for such an
enhancement, make sure to file it and mention it here
so people can vote for it.

In the meantime, your best option is to :
- set the systemFileSelector to false
- modify the stack "file selector" from the revLibraty
stack to suit your needs
- in particular, allow multiple selection of files,
and change the script of the 'Save'/'Open' button to
pass multiple filepaths

Not a happy-fun task, but it can be done if you're the
adventurous type.

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

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