Stupid Programming Question

Judy Perry jperryl at
Wed May 5 12:53:32 EDT 2004


Thank you for clarifying it.  I can see how there is a usage for both wait
and wait with messages.  Obviously, I don't think I want waiting with
messages for this case but can envision instances in which I might.


On Wed, 5 May 2004, Scott Rossi wrote:

> But if you're talking about Rev, the reason you'd include "with messages" is
> to allow other stuff to happen, like being able to interrupt your image
> display sequence.  Let's say you wanted to give the user an "out" where they
> could simply show all the images and be done with it.  Using "wait" by
> itself prevents Rev from doing anything until the script is done executing.
> But adding "with messages" allows other messages to be sent while the wait
> is taking place.  Using, for example, another button script, you could
> interrupt the display script and quickly display all the remaining images.

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