Stupid Programming Question

Scott Rossi scott at
Wed May 5 03:58:36 EDT 2004

Recently, "Judy Perry" wrote:

>>   wait 5 ticks with messages

> But, again, for those of my limited programming intelligence, what if I
> don't want to allow the viewer/user to send any messages?

Then you'll have to disable their email.  :-)

But if you're talking about Rev, the reason you'd include "with messages" is
to allow other stuff to happen, like being able to interrupt your image
display sequence.  Let's say you wanted to give the user an "out" where they
could simply show all the images and be done with it.  Using "wait" by
itself prevents Rev from doing anything until the script is done executing.
But adding "with messages" allows other messages to be sent while the wait
is taking place.  Using, for example, another button script, you could
interrupt the display script and quickly display all the remaining images.

In your case, using "wait" by itself is probably fine.  I was simply
responding to Rob's comment about avoiding the wait command.  In the past, I
was also one of the proponents against using "wait" at all, but somewhere
along the line, "with messages" was added which made for a whole new world
of waiting.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design
E: scott at

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