Animated GIF frame tranistions speed (different than browser(

Klaus Major klaus at
Mon May 3 10:16:30 EDT 2004

Hi Kevin,

> Hello, I am using animated GIFs in my applications to show that the  
> application is busy.
> The interesting thing is that the animated gifs are 5 to 6 times  
> faster in Revolution than
> and any other viewer/application (frame to frame tranisition speed).   
> Is there a way to
> control the speed at which the frames are displayed?

Yes, check the docs for "framecount", "repeatcount", "currentframe" and  

You can also donwload a little example-stack of mine from the  
contrubutor page on the RR website.
Look for "The taming of the animated Gif 1.0" ;-)

Here is the direct link:

> Why is the frame tranisition speed different than Mozilla, Internet  
> Explorer or Safari?

I have no idea :-)

> K


Klaus Major
klaus at

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