populating stack with field

Bob Hartley bob at armbase.com
Wed Jun 30 17:56:02 EDT 2004

At 14:38 30/06/2004 -0700, you wrote:
>...trying to head this one off before you hit it...

Hi Mark

I thought I may run into a problem like that after compilling the .exe.

There is no hurry for this so I'll delve into it. :-)

>Note that you're modifying the stack on the fly here by allowing the
>user to change things. If you want the changes to stick and not
>disappear the next time the user launches the app you'll have to do
>things a bit differently (this will work differently in a standalone
>from the way it works in the IDE). Check out the list archives for
>some suggestions here along the lines of saving preferences or
>creating separate substack files.

Yes essentially I want to create a database style IDE with limited 
controls, compile as a .exe and allow the recipient to create some simple 
flatfile apps for cataloguing their ressearch.

Thanks again for the tip. I'll  do that tomorrow. Sun going down here at 
11pm so I better go to bed.

Bob; Scotland, 40 miles from runrev HQ :-)

>-Mark Wieder
>  mwieder at ahsoftware.net
>use-revolution mailing list
>use-revolution at lists.runrev.com

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