populating stack with field

Bob Hartley bob at armbase.com
Wed Jun 30 17:47:18 EDT 2004

At 17:11 30/06/2004 -0400, you wrote:
> >>>i would like the recipient to be able to do this.
>You could have the user enter a location as vertical and horizontal 
>coordinates and then set the loc of btn x to v,h
>repeat with j = 1 to the number of buttons
>   Ask "Desired vertical"
>   put it into v
>   Ask "Desired horizontal"
>   put it into h
>   set the loc of btn j to v, h
>end repeat

Can this be done via drag-position and corner-drag-size?

IE My button inserts a textbox and they can resize it.

I'll get to grips with it all soon.

All the best

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