classic application not reading file...

Andre Garzia soapdog at
Mon Jun 28 10:50:32 EDT 2004

Hi Folks,

I am a little lost trying to read a text file in classic enviroment. 
First I set the default folder to the stack folder, then I use a 

put pArray into URL tPath

where pArray is a combined array and tPath is in the format "file:myApp 
prefs". This works fine, it writes the file ok, and the content is 
the trouble is trying to read the file. I use:

get URL "file:myApp prefs"

This works fine in MacOS X 10.3.4... no problem, it saves the file 
inside the bundle and load from there without any problem. Then I build 
the software to Mac Classic, it saves the file okay, but when I try to 
read the file it returns empty!!! the file is there, the content is 
right and it works on 10.3.4. I'll glue the routines below. I'll be 
very happy if anyone can spot this one out. I have a nice blogger 
client here, the xml-rpc routines working, the xml parsing working, and 
bugs on the silly preference system, man, so many places to be in 

also take notice that if the loadPrefs function cannot find the file it 
will return empty after showing "no content"... thats not the case, 
it's returning empty content but the file is there. It's like reading 
an empty file. This code works fine in 10.3.4

my poor man's  preference file system:

on defaultToStackFolder
   set the itemDelimiter to "/"
   get item 1 to -2 of the effective filename of this stack
   set the defaultFolder to it
end defaultToStackFolder

function savePrefs pFile, pArray
   -- Save a pref file as a combined array.

   combine pArray by "=" and "&"
   put "file:" & pFile into tPath
   put pArray into URL tPath
   answer "Saving prefs" &&tPath -- debug helper
end savePrefs

function loadPrefs pFile
   -- Load a prefs file as a combined array

   answer "Loading Prefs" && pFile -- debug helper
   if there is a file pFile  then
     put "file:" & pFile into tURL
     put URL tURL into tContent
   answer tContent
     return tContent

   answer "no content!"
   return empty
   end if
end loadPrefs

Andre Alves Garzia ð 2004
Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL

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