How to use database-linked controls

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Mon Jun 28 05:34:57 EDT 2004

--- Bill <bill at> wrote:
> > You can only pick a format when the "Update after
> > editing" button is checked.
> > What was in the failed query? The only thing I can
> > think of right away is that you didn't set the
> primary
> > key in the query builder.
> The primary key is set (there is a nice informative
> error which tells you to
> set the primary key when you forget) and the field I
> was trying to update
> has "the update after editing" button checked. I
> would want all 64 of the
> fields to use this feature but I am only testing a
> couple of the fields now.
> I tested the exact same query manually and it worked
> perfectly.
> Error message is: "Update failed on the SQL command:
> UPDATE voyages SET
> v_arrival_draft =:1 WHERE voyageID= '150-03-001'
> Revdb error:
> (then nothing more)
> The manual SQL command that works is exactly the
> same except I replace the
> cryptic ":1" as above with the actual draft of the
> ship: "19.3' ". I imagine
> that ":1" is some kind of variable.

The :1 is best explained by the Transcript Dictionary
entry for the 'revdb_query' function. Basically these
are replaced by the content of variables, passed by
their names.
A quick trip to the code leads me to believe that you
will only receive an empty error like this, if the
database fails to return the number of affected rows
-- I don't recall which database you are using ?

> > While it is entirely possible to start from
> scratch,
> > and this will give you full control ovr every
> aspect
> > of the SQL -- but don't completely ignore the
> > database-linked fields, as they give you a quick
> > method to hook a series of fields up to a
> database.
> I agree. This is a truly great time saver and I will
> keep trying to use it
> especially now that I am getting such informative
> answers to help in trouble
> shooting. I also need to know how to insert a
> variable into the Database
> Query Builder so that the record set returned will
> be dependent on a where
> clause that includes that variable. When you
> experiment with putting a
> variable in there it goes into an annoying loop
> telling you that there is no
> such column name. It is difficult to try different
> things because of the
> error loop. Perhaps the variable needs to be in
> quotes or identified
> somehow.

The error loop is high on my to-do list, but I'm doing
this on top of another demanding job so I'm not sure
when I'll get around to it -- hopefully in time for
the next major update.
Variables in SQL queries is not yet possible at this
point. We're looking into a way to provide an
interface for setting this type of dependencies.

> How do I get the database ID thot the automatic
> database-linked query gets
> (which I set to on open card) because if I can grab
> that I can avoid making
> a new connection in the manual queries I am making
> (I tried left joins in
> the Database Query Builder and they didn't work) --
> the combination of
> manual queries and the database-linked fields seems
> to be the best solution
> if I can get the update feature to work.

There is an undocumented function called
'revConnectionOfQuery' which does what you want :
on mouseUp
  put "SELECT * FROM foo" into tQuery
  put revConnectionOfQuery("MyQueryName") \
        into tConnection
  put revdb_querylist(tab,return,tConnection,tQuery) \
        into tQueryResult
end mouseUp

If you want to learn more about the inner workings of
the database-linked controls, have a look at the
'revDatabase' frontscript :
- open the message box
- use the buttons at the top to go to the 'Front
- turn on the checkbox 'Show Revolution UI Front
- doubleclick the line <button "revDatabase">
But don't rely on these too much, as the main reason
these calls are going to remain undocumented for now,
is that we're contemplating a complete rewrite of the
system, which is bound to break stacks that rely on (a
subset of) these undocumented calls.

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La Rochefoucauld)

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