Clues to Need to Reinstall on OX X?

Chipp Walters chipp at
Fri Jun 25 19:28:24 EDT 2004

Troy writes; 
    "Okee dokee, well then, I wonder what else is so different. As far as 
    plug ins, I have the defaults there, which I don't think I ever use, 
    and I have Chipp's altPlugin bar, with about a half dozen of his plugs 

The altplugin toolbar by itself uses no frontscripts and will Check for updates on launch if that  option is checked in the Prefs .

Some of the plugins do use a frontscripts  but these will be closed as soon as the plugin is closed. 

I recommend manually checking for updates regularly as I'm always tweaking it for performance 

I also use it all the time on both PC and MACOSX. 

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