Using query builder

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Thu Jun 24 16:44:32 EDT 2004

--- Bill <bill at> wrote:
> Well I solved my question about groups. If you
> choose "Select Group" then
> the query builder still funtions. If you choose
> "edit group" it disables the
> query builder.

Thanks for sharing this piece of information. I'll
look into group edit mode and possibly allowing the
query builder to work.

> My new question:
> What does it mean if you choose "update data after
> editing" and there are
> radio buttons below and you can choose various
> formats for the text. It will
> allow me to choose one say "plain text" but the next
> time I look at it the
> choices will be grayed out.

The idea is to let you save the content of the field
as plain text, or save the htmlText or rtfText or
unicodeText of the field ; thus allowing you to store
styled text in a back-end database.

> Sometimes they will not disable and then if I choose
> "update" after changing
> the text in the field I will get an error that says
> "update failed" and
> shows the query that was attempted.

You can only pick a format when the "Update after
editing" button is checked.
What was in the failed query? The only thing I can
think of right away is that you didn't set the primary
key in the query builder.

> Back to my original question. Should I just ignore
> the query builder and its
> functions and build everything from scratch?

While it is entirely possible to start from scratch,
and this will give you full control ovr every aspect
of the SQL -- but don't completely ignore the
database-linked fields, as they give you a quick
method to hook a series of fields up to a database.

As the current maintainer of the database-linked
controls, I'm open to suggestions on how to expand and
enhance what is there.

Jan Schenkel ~ <jan at>

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