QT question

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Thu Jun 24 06:39:46 EDT 2004

Hi all,

i have a question concerning lodaing/Using QT on win systems...

 From the docs:

1. Calling "the qtversion()" will already load QT into memory...

2. Once QT has been loaded into memory you cannot get rid of it in this 
-> "set the donuseqt to true" has no effect in that case...

Now my questions:
Most of the time our (ok: my ;-) apps MUST check the qtversion before i 
can decide
to use or not use QT!  There are many old win systems with an antique 
2.1.2 version of QT installed ;-)

So this seeems a bit illegitimate to me, since how can you decide to 
not use QT if the routine
to check this already LOADS QT???

In the last year i created a windows-player for a Mac-only Slide Show 
app, which did exactly what
i describe above and that DID work without problems...

Check the qtversion first and then set the dontuseqt to true/false 

OK, maybe i was lucky and ALL the windows machines had an up-to-date or 
NO version of QT
at all installed(???) But that does not sound too likely...

Does someone know if this has changed in the last year(s)?

And is it really necessary to load QT just to get the version?
Couldn't this be done with a (simple) system/registry call?
That way we COULD REALLY check the version BEFORE it gets loaded.

Yes, i know -> Bugzilla, but i'd like to collect some opinions first :-)

Thanks in advance...


Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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