Regex (MatchText) speed

Troy Rollins troy at
Wed Jun 23 21:50:59 EDT 2004

On Jun 23, 2004, at 9:37 PM, Mark Brownell wrote:

>> Anyone have a real-world sense of the speed difference? I have a 
>> parsing routine which I put together hastily, knowing that it would 
>> need to be later optimized. I'm edging in on that optimization phase, 
>> and I'm wondering what angle I might want to approach it. Speed is 
>> definitely a concern.
> I tried fooling around with a few things to pull-parse non-SGML 
> well-formed text. I got good results fro offset() in some cases.

I only wish I were parsing any kind of "formed" text. The stuff I am 
parsing is more like chaos. It can be anything from plain English error 
messages, to server directory lists, to date and time formats... with 
NO consistent formatting.

The first job of my parser is to simply try to determine what the heck 
it is parsing. I currently have it functional, using if-else ifs, 
contains, etc. I'm considering replacing ALL of that with one powerful 
matchText, but if that only ends up costing me time rather than saving 

RPSystems, Ltd.

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