Regex (MatchText) speed
Mark Brownell
gizmotron at
Wed Jun 23 21:37:03 EDT 2004
On Wednesday, June 23, 2004, at 06:25 PM, Troy Rollins wrote:
> Anyone have a real-world sense of the speed difference? I have a
> parsing routine which I put together hastily, knowing that it would
> need to be later optimized. I'm edging in on that optimization phase,
> and I'm wondering what angle I might want to approach it. Speed is
> definitely a concern.
I tried fooling around with a few things to pull-parse non-SGML
well-formed text. I got good results fro offset() in some cases.
Here this pull-parser stuff again:
-- put getElement("<record>", "</record>", tZap) into theElement
function getElement tStTag, tEdTag, stngToSch
put empty into zapped
put the number of chars in tStTag into dChars
put offset(tStTag,stngToSch) into tNum1
put offset(tEdTag,stngToSch) into tNum2
if tNum1 < 1 then
return "error"
exit getElement
end if
if tNum2 < 1 then
return "error"
exit getElement
end if
put char (tNum1 + dChars) to (tNum2 - 1) of stngToSch into zapped
return zapped
end getElement
-- put getAttribute("name", tZap) into theAttribute
function getAttribute tAttribute, strngToSearch
put empty into zapA
put quote into Qx
if char 1 of tAttribute = space then
put tAttribute & "=" & Qx into tAttributeX
put space & tAttribute & "=" & Qx into tAttributeX
end if
put the number of chars in tAttributeX into dChars
put offset(tAttributeX,strngToSearch) into tNum1
if tNum1 < 1 then
return "error"
exit getAttribute
end if
put tNum1 + dChars into tNumX
put offset(Qx,strngToSearch,tNumX) into tNumZ
if tNumX < 1 then
return "error"
exit getAttribute
end if
if tNumZ < 1 then
return "error"
exit getAttribute
end if
put char tNumX to (tNumX + (tNumZ - 1)) of strngToSearch into zapA
return zapA
end getAttribute
-- put getElementsArray("<record>", "</record>", tZap) into theArray
function getElementsArray tStartTag, tEndTag, StringToSearch
put empty into tArray
put 0 into tStart1
put 0 into tStart2
put 1 into tElementNum
put the number of chars in tStartTag into dChars
put offset(tStartTag,StringToSearch,tStart1) into tNum1
put (tNum1 + tStart1) into tStart1
if tNum1 < 1 then exit repeat
put offset(tEndTag,StringToSearch,tStart2) into tNum2
put (tNum2 + tStart2) into tStart2
if tNum2 < 1 then exit repeat
--if tNum2 < tNum1 then exit repeat
put char (tStart1 + dChars) to (tStart2 - 1) of StringToSearch into
put zapped into tArray[tElementNum]
add 1 to tElementNum
end repeat
return tArray
end getElementsArray
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