URGENT-How to add "New Card" button/menu to stack

Jim MacConnell jmac at consensustech.com
Wed Jun 23 15:11:54 EDT 2004


> I assist a professor at my university and have imported his old
> HyperCard Address Book stack into Revolution.  I then saved it as a
> standalone application.  I need to figure out how to add a "add new
> card" button, like his old HyperCard stack had.

Everyone else will probably chime in soon with numerous ways to clone cards,
create cards, etc.

The thing that I still struggle to remember though (as a relative newbie) is
that you can't save changes to a standalone. So if you make a new card
(however you like) then quit.. The card won't be there when you open the
standalone next time. The easiest answer is to make a little stack (splash
screen) that opens the address book stack for you (or your professor).

So.. build a nice little stack that can even have a single field saying
"Opening Address book for you...". In that stack have a script handler that
says "open stack "Address Book" or whatever you've called it. Then when you
close/quit the address book standalone, it will properly save changes (after
asking you of course?).. Or do you need to say Save stack(?).. Now I'm
getting confused...

Doesn't matter.... Again someone will chime in soon on the various ways to
do this also. I just wanted to let you know that you may be doing everything
fine  from a HyperCard perspective and yet not getting what you expect.


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