iGame3D status 062204

Chipp Walters chipp at chipp.com
Tue Jun 22 05:39:19 EDT 2004


I, too, took a gander at your Broken Menus mouse stack. And while I 
didn't spend a lot of time with it, I did find some scripting issues of 

For instance the script of btn "make a popup":

on mouseWithin
   if the mouse is down then popup cd btn "File" of group "menuBar 1"
end mouseWithin

on mouseLeave
   lock screen

   choose pointer tool
   set the menuMode of cd btn "File" of group "menuBar 1" to pulldown
   choose browse tool
     unlock screen
end mouseLeave

Without going into detail regarding why you would do all of the 
mouseWithin/mouseLeave stuff instead of a mouseDown...
A cursory reading of the docs specifically state:

"Important!  The menuMouseButton property of a button used with the 
popup command must be set to zero. Setting it to any other value may 
result in unexpected behavior when the menu is used. To control which 
mouse buttons may be used to access the menu, use the mouse button 
parameter of the mouseDown message, as described above."

The cd btn "File" referred to has a menuMouseButton property of 1, which 
we have been duly warned about.

This took me all of about 2 minutes of sleuthing. I would recommend you 
consider spending a bit more time with the docs and perhaps some help 
here online:-) Perhaps you can isolate a specific instance of what 
you're trying to accomplish, and others here could help!


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