Crazy imageData

Troy Rollins troy at
Mon Jun 21 15:51:11 EDT 2004

On Jun 21, 2004, at 3:34 PM, Dar Scott wrote:

> You say you import image ID 1018.  When it fails it is pure black?  Do 
> you mean image ID 1018?  Then what does image "ThumbNail" have to do 
> with it?
> When setting the imageData, the height and width must match the 
> original.  (Strictly, the size of the imageData must fit the product 
> of the height and width.)  I usually clear the destination image (put 
> empty into the text of image "ThumbNail") and set the height and 
> width, first.  This will reset the alphaData/maskData, too.  I also 
> clear before setting the filename property in some situations.

The source image is always fine. It is an 80x60 imported JPG 
(currently, I've tried other formats.)

Image "Thumbnail" is the target. Basically, the source image is a 
default state. "Thumbnail" can receive other data placed into it at 
various times, but gets returned to the default at other times. There 
are an arbitrary amount of these "thumbnail" images, one per data card. 
So, just setting the ID to the source is not acceptable, I need an 
independent copy of the image data there.

I'll try the emptying trick, using the "text of the image." I hadn't 
gone that route yet.

> When you dump in your troubleshooting, be sure and include 
> height/width and formattedHeight/formattedWidth.  Also alphaData (and 
> maybe maskData).  You can also save the image itself.  And you can 
> export the image to whatever form you want, including the human 
> readable PBM.

OK. Reset the dimensions. Got it. I'll try that too. At this point, 
I'll try anything. And when it works, I won't trust it, because I've 
had it working flawlessly before... until it doesn't.

*Any* other ideas are still very welcomed.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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