Splash screen in standalone - too long to show

Andre Garzia soapdog at mac.com
Sun Jun 20 19:30:46 EDT 2004

On Jun 20, 2004, at 3:46 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> > I am finding that the fastest I can get my splash screen to show
> > is about 8 seconds...that seems a little long compared to any
> > 'real' app.

humm... just trying... try to separate your splash screen as another 
stack, bundle it as main stack, make it load the big bad stack, put a 
line on openStack handler of big bad stack that hides splash screen.

I don't know about revolution engine internals, but I guess that if you 
have multiple stacks in a standalone, it will load them as needed, this 
might give you a better response time...

I am really guessing here.


Andre Alves Garzia ð 2004
Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL

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