[ANN] My latest game

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Fri Jun 18 10:57:42 EDT 2004

Hi Rick,

> On Jun 18, 2004, at 7:24 AM, Malte Brill wrote:
>> Hi list.
>> I announced it a while ago, now it is finished:
>> ...
>> Hope you like the game.
>> Best,
>> Malte
> Malte,
> I tried your game, and glanced at your code listing briefly.
> The code starts out OK, then it turns into random characters
> farther down and is totally unreadable at that point.

This is a newly developed "dynamic enryption" routine of Malte's!
The more interesting the code gets, the more it gets encrypted
WHILE you are reading!!!

Just kidding :-D

I did not look at the code yet...

> ...
> As a player I was a little annoyed by the delay between hitting
> an arrow key ,and finding myself having to wait before the repeat
> of the arrow key kicked in.  I don't know if this is just a system 
> thing
> or if you can control this behavior better or not.

I noticed this, too, that the "response" of the arrowkeys is 
faster on win-machines!

(I changed this to a "mousemove" handler in one of my games...)

I guessed from your mail header, that you are using a mac ;-)

> I felt there were too many object falling which I couldn't get, even
> at the first level.  Usually levels start out easy and then get harder
> as the game progresses.

This game is for KIDS, dude! :-D

Sorry, just kidding again :-)

> I actually liked your artwork.
> Keep up the good work!

See Malte (and other nice guys!) live in Malta in November at the ERC!!!

> Rick Harrison


Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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